
Ice-Tight Cretata naturale per capsule articolari e guaine tendinee Horse Health

$ 98.73

Availability: 23 in stock
  • Brand: Horse Health Products
  • Variation: 3,4 kg
  • Condition: New
  • MPN: CH012


    Ice-Tight Cretata naturale per il trattamento di capsule articolari e guaine tendinee
    Horse health products
    barattolo da 3,4 o 11,3 Kg
    Caolino, Bentonite, Acqua, Glicerina, Acido borico, Solfato ferroso, Aloe vera con profumazione alla menta.
    I rigonfiamenti agli arti del cavallo, o edemi, si manifestano di solito in vicinanza di un distretto articolare (ginocchio, nodello o falangi) o tendineo (tendini flessori sulla superficie posteriore dell’arto) e sono dovuti comunemente ad un abnorme accumulo di liquido nei tessuti. Il normale turgore dei tessuti dipende da un perfetto equilibrio fra l’afflusso ed il deflusso idrico locale. In condizioni parafisiologiche o patologiche (traumi), quando tale equilibrio è turbato, si può avere ristagno di liquido negli interstizi tissutali con aumento della quantità complessiva del liquido stesso ed allora si ha il gonfiore.
    Ice-Tight esplica la sua attività assorbente e trasudante, rispetto ai liquidi accumulati a livello tissutale, grazie alla presenza di sostanze quali il Caolino e la Bentonite che inducono la cute ad espellere tali liquidi formando nel contempo uno strato protettivo che avvolge e protegge interamente l’arto dagli agenti esterni. La Glicerina contenuta in Ice-Tight produce inoltre un effetto emolliente in presenza di eventuali contratture presenti a livello tendineo.
    Ice-Tight grazie al suo contenuto in Aloe Vera svolge inoltre un’importante azione rinfrescante, defatigante ed analgesica che danno immediato sollievo al cavallo dopo il lavoro.
    Ice-Tight contiene inoltre l’Acido Borico utilissimo nei casi di ferite da punta dello zoccolo, dove impedisce lo sviluppo di germi (funghi o batteri) causa di infezioni a carico della suola e del fettone. L’Acido Borico è inoltre utile nei casi delle così dette “sobbattiture” dove, ammorbidendo la suola, favorisce l’eliminazione dell’eventuale raccolta liquida.
    Rimuovere sporco o eventuali medicazioni a livello della parte da trattare, quindi applicare uno strato di circa 6 mm di Ice-Tight sull’arto/i interessato/i dal gonfiore o dal trauma. Ricoprire il tutto con una pellicola di plastica o di carta oleata, in modo da favorire la massima trasudazione della parte trattata, e procedere con una normale fasciatura da riposo.
    Per l’applicazione in casi di sobbattiture o ferite da punta, modellare il giusto quantitativo di Ice-Tight sotto la suola del cavallo e consentirne la permanenza mediante l’applicazione di un bendaggio adatto. Si rimuove facilmente con acqua.
    Following the order please send us an email stating:
    • telephone contact for the courier who will deliver the goods and to be traced in case of immediate unavailability of products, sizes or colors chosen
    • Shipping address, if different from the one set on eBay's personal data
    If you have difficulty in quantifying the total, no problem, put in the cart all the products you want and order them but before making the payment, contact us: you can get, against multiple products purchased also a discount by assessing the actual cost of shipping.
    The product sheet shows the estimated delivery time of the goods (
    see above, next to the photo
    ). Your satisfaction is important to us, that's why we try to be as fast and reliable as possible, not only in the phase of evasion of the product but also in that of delivery at home.
    In case of particular emergencies, we recommend that you contact us before placing your order to check together the availability of sizes or colors chosen: having multiple simultaneous sales platforms (our direct site and other marketplaces) the availability may not be updated in real time.
    As soon as the shipment has taken place, the customer will automatically receive from our system an e-mail confirming that the order has been processed with the name of the carrier to whom the shipment has been entrusted. Then the courier will send an email with the
    tracking code to monitor the delivery
    of the goods directly from the official website of the shipper who was entrusted with the delivery of the goods. The smaller islands and disadvantaged locations need a few more days for delivery.
    The goods are shipped with free packaging and accompanied by a regular receipt. If you need the invoice, please let us know at the time of ordering, providing us with all the information necessary to issue it.
    Buy from us, you will have the guarantee satisfied or refunded. With us, your purchases are 100% safe: if the product does not meet your expectations or you wish to change or return it, we will have maximum availability on everything.
    You can of course change the size and color of what you ordered in case they do not fit.
    You can also return the product in exchange for other items or in exchange for a voucher for future purchases or even, you can take advantage of the right of withdrawal and be refunded the product received.
    This is an accessory guarantee, offered by our eshop and an expression of our commercial policy, which goes beyond the usual guarantees required by law that find their regulation in the Consumer Code: this is because we are certain of the goodness of our work and our professional diligence and we always want our customer to be happy and satisfied with their purchases.
    For each request for replacement is necessary,
    within 14 days from the date of receipt of products
    , send an email indicating clearly:
    • name surname of the order holder
    • returnable item(s)
    • item(s) to be received including size and colour information
    The staff of NonsoloCavallo will provide via email all the information necessary to prepare the package with the product(s) to be returned of which you want to make a change.
    An automatic system will release the feedback once the customer has written his own. Our feedback is your guarantee, every day we strive to improve and do better. Please contact us before leaving a negative feedback, we are always at your disposal to solve any problem.
    Please order the product only if you are really interested, being the offer of an object a binding commitment, we would like to avoid unpleasant disputes in the common interest.
    You can take advantage of discounted prices, promotions not to be missed and unrepeatable on many major consumer products for the care and welfare of horses, dogs and cats. Dry and wet food for small animals, dogs and cats at super discounted prices.
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